E-Recruitment Information and Training Materials (2024)

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Access the state’s job search portal, NEOGOV.

NEOGOV users should contactNEOGOVif they lose or forget their username or password.

NEOGOV Insight Training Guide (.pdf)

NEOGOV does not provide a separate system for internal postings. Agencies that have their own intranet for internal postings can use that process.

Agencies can use an internal application system for current employees to apply internally for a position. However, the agency will need to merge that information with NEOGOV information to have a complete EEO report.

  • A job posting will go-live immediately once the “Add” button is pressed if the posting is created on the same date as the “Advertise From” field. If set for a future date, the job posting will go-live at 12 a.m. on the “Advertised From” date entered on the job posting.
  • A position can be reposted. The preferred approach to repost a position is to create a new job requisition with a new job posting.
  • A job posting can be edited to correct an error after it goes live. From the MY HR screen, click on “Edit” under the active postings. Once the edits are made, click “Save” to immediately correct the posting.
  • A job posting can be removed after it goes live if it was posted in error. From the MY HR screen, click on inactivate under the active postings. NOTE: The job posting will not be able to be deleted once an application has been received for the job posting.
  • If there is a need to make an offer to the second or third choice if the first offer is declined, the agency will need to return to the referred list in the Online Hiring Center (OHC) and make an offer to the second or third choice.

  • If an applicant forgets their password, they need to log on to the state of South Carolina NEOGOVwebsiteand select sign in. The applicant can then select “Reset Password.” NEOGOV will email the password to their registered email address.
  • There is no limit on the number of work history entries that an applicant can enter.
  • If candidates attach a resume or other document to their application, HR and the hiring manager can see the attachment. When referred through the OHC, the hiring manager can click on the paperclip icon next to the applicant's name to access the attachment.
  • An agency cannot add education and experience to the application as a part of manually entering a paper application into the NEOGOV system, but the agency can attach a scanned copy of the application or resume.

For assistance with the EEO reporting process please refer to theNEOGOVEEO Reporting Guidelines(.pdf).

If an HR user mislabels an applicant’s disposition as “passing” or “failing” in a step in an exam plan, they can change that candidate’s disposition to the appropriate status by clicking on “change disposition” under the “Select Action” drop-down box below the step.

If an HR user moves an applicant through a step in error, the applicant can be reverted to the previous step by selecting the “Revert to Previous Step” from the “Select Action” drop-down box. If an applicant stays in the Minimum Qualification or Supplemental Questionnaire step that is being used to capture the number of qualified applicants for EEO reporting purposes, the applicant will be counted as a qualified candidate if they have a passing disposition.

If an agency is using the eligible list to capture the number of qualified applicants for EEO reporting purposes, and an applicant has been placed on an eligible list in error, the agency should remove the applicant from the Eligible List by clicking on the “Remove from List” option under the ‘Select Action’ dropdown box. If the eligible list has already been referred to the hiring manager, the applicant must first be removed from the referred list.

To remove an applicant from a referral list, click on “List - Referred” from Insight HR. After finding the referral list with the applicant that needs to be removed, click on the “Remove from List” option under the “Select Action” drop-down box and click go. After the applicant has been removed from the eligible and or referral list, the applicant will be moved back to the last evaluation step in the existing exam plan and will not be counted as a qualified applicant for EEO reporting purposes when using the eligible list option.

E-Recruitment Information and Training Materials (2024)


What is the basic information of recruiting? ›

It involves various activities like posting job advertisem*nts, conducting interviews, and selecting candidates who align with the job requirements. The main objective of recruitment is to promptly fill job openings by identifying individuals with the right skills and qualifications for the available positions.

Which e-recruiting methods would you recommend and why? ›

List of the best online recruitment methods
  • Company website. A crucial part of the online hiring process is developing a company website that showcases your brand's unique personality and workplace culture. ...
  • Internet ad campaigns. ...
  • Social media. ...
  • Implement pre-screening tools and skills assessments. ...
  • Video advertising.

What information goes into the recruitment package? ›

A complete RPA package includes OHR recruitment documents (e.g., duty statement, justification, etc.) AND program hiring documents (e.g., application review spreadsheet, interview questions and notes, final scoring, etc.).

How does e recruitment affect the recruitment process? ›

Saves Time and Expedites the Hiring Process

With resume screening tools and applicant tracking systems, you can filter out unqualified candidates quickly. From there, you can even conduct interviews more swiftly rather than meeting in person.

What is the main purpose of the recruiting process? ›

The goal of recruitment is to create a wide pool of qualified candidates from which one has to choose the most qualified individual for the job. This approach draws big groups of individuals and encourages them to apply for open opportunities in a company.

What are the three major recruitment steps? ›

A recruitment basically consists of three distinct phases. The work before posting an ad for the vacant position, the selection process and finally choosing the right candidate.

What is the most effective method of recruitment? ›

The Top 9 Recruitment Methods You Should Use Today
  1. Employee Referrals. ...
  2. Job Boards/Job Postings. ...
  3. Online Advertising. ...
  4. Social Media. ...
  5. Recruitment Agencies. ...
  6. Recruitment Events. ...
  7. Passive Candidates. ...
  8. Professional Networks.

Which is the most effective source of recruitment? ›

Here are the top recruitment sources and approaches you can refer to when hiring employees at your organisation:
  • Internal talent. ...
  • Employee referrals. ...
  • Job boards and websites. ...
  • Job fairs. ...
  • Social media platforms. ...
  • Media promotions. ...
  • Recruitment agencies. ...
  • Company website.
Sep 4, 2023

What is a checklist in recruitment? ›

A hiring process checklist ensures methodical, consistent, and compliant recruitment. It streamlines tasks, reduces oversights, and enhances the quality of hires, ultimately leading to improved organizational efficiency and a stronger alignment between new hires and company objectives.

What are the 7 steps of the recruitment process? ›

What are the seven stages of the recruitment process?
  • Identify vacancies and hiring needs. ...
  • Create a job description. ...
  • Begin your talent search. ...
  • Screen and shortlist candidates. ...
  • Interview and assess candidates. ...
  • Lock down the successful candidate. ...
  • Go from offer to onboarding.

What information does a recruiter need? ›

A good recruiter will also understand a candidate's career goals, background, motivations, and intangible needs. They can look past resumes and job descriptions and bring common sense, expertise, and a human touch to the job search process.

What are the potential unintended or dysfunctional consequences of e-recruiting and e-selection? ›

The following are some unforeseen or dysfunctional effects of e-Recruiting and e-Selection: Bias in Selection: Automated systems may carry over preexisting biases in the selection process or introduce new ones based on algorithms or historical data.

What happens in the recruiting process? ›

A recruitment process includes all the steps that get you from job description to offer letter – including the initial application, the screening (be it via phone or a one-way video interview), face-to-face interviews, assessments, background checks, and all the other elements crucial to making the right hire.

How does recruitment affect employees? ›

Internal recruitment often results in better employee retention rates because it ensures that new hires align well with the company's culture and values right from the start. This strategy helps workers feel more satisfied and like they belong, which is crucial for long-term loyalty.

What are the basic tenets of recruiting? ›

Identify the talent needed to perform the job. Attract the best qualified candidates for the position. Promote the campus as a dynamic, diverse employer. Meet the campus' equal employment opportunity commitment.

What is the key to recruiting? ›

Maintain regular communication and be aware that lengthy delays can significantly increase the risk of drop out's (losing your candidate). Become consciously aware of any unconscious bias and take steps to avoid this.

What should be included in recruitment? ›

Here are the seven steps to an effective recruitment process:
  • Planning. ...
  • Strategy development. ...
  • Search. ...
  • Screening. ...
  • Interviews and selection. ...
  • Job offer and onboarding. ...
  • Evaluation of the recruitment process.
Aug 15, 2024


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.