Struck Down - Chapter 3 - GrandLeviathan - 原神 (2024)

Chapter Text

Word about what happened to Aether spread fast across Teyvat.

It was rumours at first. Knights talked to friends. Friends talked to shopkeepers. Shopkeepers talked to merchants. Merchants talked to other merchants – by the time the sun rose the next morning word had already reached the other nations.

And with each passing hour, word spread farther and farther...


Out of all times of the day, Keqing was most efficient first thing in the morning.

Mentally refreshed with a good night's sleep, her stomach full with a light but energy-filled breakfast and the cool sea air clearing her mind of grogginess she was at her sharpest first thing in the morning. That translated to her very gait; every step swift and strict as she made her way towards her office, already mentally drumming up all the forms she needed to sign and have out the door before lunch was over with.

Assistants, secretaries and lower-ranking officials milled about past her, some making way for her whilst others stayed in small clusters, whispering between themselves about something relating to Mondstadt. Keqing didn't let it distract her though, her fast stride slowing only when she neared her office. It was she did so, however, that she picked up a peculiar noise coming from Ganyu's office.

Curiosity overtook her focus and she brought her fingers up against the fine wood, rapping along it in a knock. ''Ganyu? Are you alright?''

The sound persisted. She had a dreadful feeling she knew what it was, but quashed the urge to barge in – waiting, in hope, for a reply.

But whatever had distressed the horned woman left her incapable of answering, assuming she even heard her in the first place. Glancing around Keqing noted nobody was close and so quickly opened the door and stepped in – eyes sweeping the interior for intruders or hostage-takers, only to find no threats present, not that she expected any. Such assessments went out the window though the moment she laid eyes on Ganyu.

She was sat behind her desk as she so often was, her uniform impeccable as ever – but her eyes were red with freshly-shed tears, the culprit no doubt being the letter she clutched between her fingers. Keqing hesitated, unsure whether she was intruding on a private matter or not, but decided that as her friend she should try and help if she could. It was that sentiment that compelled her forth, whispered comforts escaping her and finally drawing Ganyu's eyes onto her – the secretary hurriedly wiping at her eyes, though it didn't do much to remove the redness.

''S-Sorry, I-I...'' Ganyu took a breath, swallowing her sorrow just so she could speak.

''Ssh, easy Ganyu, what's wrong?'' Keqing tried her best soothing voice. She wasn't a soothsayer, but she at least knew how to calm down people... granted those people were local children, but experience was experience, at least?

Ganyu appreciated the attempt all the same judging by her smile, weak as it was. ''I... a friend, they sent me a letter from Mondstadt... you should read it too.''

That invoked a fresh worry in Keqing, a murmur of thanks escaping the Yuheng as she accepted the sheet of paper. It was spottled with tear stains already but it was still easily legible, her eyes scanning from top to bottom. The person's name was unfamiliar but the tone of the letter was warm; friendly, even. It told of adventures from Liyue to Mondstadt over the last month, some comical quips, the like – she was almost about to ask what was wrong.

When she reached the end of the letter.

''Also, since I know you're super close with him, thought you might wanna know that Traveler guy got badly wounded the other day. Saw him get carried back into the city with a whole squad of knights around him. Poor guy looked like he was already dead but they had the deaconess by his side the entire time. She was crying her eyes out and last I heard they took him to the HQ building, haven't been out since even though it's nightfall. Word has it from some of the knights that they found a sword impaling him straight through the heart. Either he's lucky to be alive, or he's barely hanging on as it is. Hope he makes it for your sake, I know he means a lot to you.''

The letter went on a little further but Keqing didn't read any more, her eyes rereading the paragraph not once not twice but thrice – as if she had somehow misread the entire thing. The Traveler, dead? Impossible. He was made of stuff tougher than even Archons, at least in her view of him. He had faced down monsters normal men would quail at and challenged an Archon not once but twice, first in battle then in Fontaine's court, and won. There was no way he could be dead.

Yet even as she tried to convince herself she shook, blinking suddenly and wiping at her eyes. No, he wasn't dead, she refused to believe it. Hell the letter itself didn't even say he was dead, just wounded – idiot probably got himself mauled by a Slime. The humorous thought did little to ail her pounding heart though, her eyes closing – but that just brought forth memories of days gone by. Days of quests and adventures in Liyue and beyond, of slaying Hilichurls or protecting innocents.

Of times when Aether, due to poor luck or misjudgement, got hurt. How the blood ran down his fair skin, how he was blasted into a cliff, how his lithe form fell limp for a haunting second before he seemingly rebounded and went back into the fray.

He always got back up.

He always came back to her side.

He always, always made it.

But a small part of her wondered if this time, he might not.

Lifting her eyes away from the letter she looked to Ganyu, arguably her closest friend, and saw in her eyes the same terror she herself felt.

The terror of not knowing whether someone they cared so dearly for might be gone – all whilst feelings between them remained unspoken.

Was there a greater pain in the world, after all, than eternal heartbreak?


''Order up~!''

Xiangling's merry call echoed through the Wanmin Restaurant as she ferried out a trio of plates each loaded with beef, veggies and other local produce – all fried or baked to the exact, gourmet standards that Xiangling liked to hold herself to. Especially when her guests were her best buddies.

Hu Tao let out a little cheer whilst Xinyan just grinned, contrasting Yanfei who let out an amused little huff; leaning back so Xiangling could set her plate down. The clatter of cutlery joined it and small talk began between the four – comments of how delicious it looked joined by teases about being hungry or how each other had been.

Comments that became secondary as Xiangling overheard another table talking – a couple of older dockworkers gathered together as they finished off their meals.

''So my buddy says the guy came in through the gates, like totally soaked in blood. Dude wasn't even breathing he said.''

''Seriously? No way the Traveler kicked the bucket just like that. He helped my little cousin out when he got attacked by a Mitachurl.''

''Yeah. Damn world, always takes the good ones.''

The amicable atmosphere, the food, the chatter – all was forgotten by the four girls even as Xiangling shuffled over. ''U-Um, excuse me-''

''Hn? Oh, Xiangling, what's up?''

The chef smiled but even the men could tell it was shaky. ''Just now, were you talking about Ae- the Traveler?''

''Oh, yeah, him.'' One of the two men, wearing a red headband, sighed. ''Buddy of mine said he might be dead. Well, the knights say he's not, but nobody's seen him since yesterday afternoon and they're refusing to say anything beyond that 'he's being monitored'. Whatever that means.''

''T-There's no way he's dead!'' Xinyan lurched from her seat.

''Hey, sorry!'' The man raised his hands, perturbed by the reaction. ''I'm just saying what my buddy said. All I know for sure is the guy wasn't moving when they brought him in. Maybe he was just out cold, but... y'know.''

He shrugged awkwardly, not wanting to upset the girls further – but the implication did that well enough.

By the time the two dockworkers left for their next shift, the three girls had barely touched their plates, and Xiangling had retreated into the privacy of the kitchen.

Denial the only thing keeping their hearts from breaking.


Thunder boomed over Inazuma.

The storm was a fearsome one – arcs of great purple bolts crackling through the heavens and disappearing into the clouds, only flashes of amethyst to be seen within the roiling darkness. The wise fled indoors to avoid being struck and even the foolish citizens mindfully avoided anything metal, something in the air having a foreboding tone even they could pick up on.

It roared the loudest directly above the Shogun's personal quarters – thunder clapping with every twitch that echoed through Ei's form, clad in but a sleeping yukata considering the time of night. Given another ten minutes and she would've been in bed, but the disturbance to her slumber wasn't the reason for her perilous mood.

No, the letter in her hands was.

''Are... are we certain this is true?''

Sara kept her gaze to the floor, kneeling before the Shogun. ''Yes, Your Excellency. The letter comes from one our ambassadors in Mondstadt. The runner delivering it travelled here through the night just to get it here so fast.''

Ei nodded dimly, rereading the contents as if to check she wasn't making things up in her mind – but no, every letter was where it should be. The letter wasn't particularly long either; written clearly in a hurry judging by some rushed brushstrokes and the ends scrunched distastefully. The name of the ambassador was only vaguely memorable – one she had assigned to keep tabs on the Traveler and other adventurers. Ostensibly in the event of a war with the Tsaritsa, of course.

But she knew deep down her concern for the boy had nothing to do with worry over the Tsaritsa – she would strike the woman down when the time came, Gnosis or no. Rather it had more to do with Aether himself, the boy who had single-handedly upturned her world. Even after the Vision Hunt Decree was abolished, after things started to go back to 'normal', he remained. He warmed up to her and she him, he all but dragged her out to help him with some quest or other under the guise of 'fun' – and most of all, he treated her normally.

In hindsight, perhaps it was foolish to find that pleasing. She was an Archon, a ruler, a monarch. A lax Monarch was either deposed or killed, especially with Celestia always looming in the distance. But when it came to Aether something in her just cracked and gave way – the desire for eternity seemingly less appealing without his constant presence, without his cheeky smiles and honest joy. And so though it was beneath her... she enjoyed being normal, with him. Being just a woman, without the burden of leadership to weigh her every thought down.

And now her ambassador was telling her he might be dead.

Oh they rushed to assure her they couldn't confirm, but with how hastily this was sent and how careful the wording was, she suspected the ambassador writing this didn't want to risk upsetting her with the bad news.

'A sword through the chest.' She reread that line with growing pain in her heart. A fatal wound for many a mortal.

But he wasn't just a mortal. He wouldn't die from such an injury.

He couldn't. She couldn't accept it.

'Whoever did this, when I find you...'

The letter disintegrated in her hands.

'I'll strike you down myself.'


Aether's eyes felt heavy even as they opened.

They closed immediately, opened, then closed – an unknown amount of time blurring by between every blink. With some effort though he managed to open them and keep them that way, a slow breath making his chest rise and deflate; the mere act causing him some discomfort. It also made him aware that he was shirtless, his bare chest exposed to the cool air; only a white blanket to cover his lower half.

'Where am I...?' Aether groggily wondered, brow scrunching.

His thoughts were a jumbled mess and it was hard to think, his arms shifting and aching from the mere motion – stiff as if they had been encased in Geo. He pushed past said discomfort though, grunting under his breath as he pushed himself upright. The weight on his chest didn't decrease even though nothing was there; his fingers clutching at it unsurely, like he was missing something.

It was only then that he noticed the discoloured skin – and in an instant everything came rushing back. Scaling Dragonspine out of pure spite. Firing an arrow at Celestia. Fighting the Unknown God – and then being impaled by one of her swords and sent flying through the sky. His very being shuddered at the memory; the sharp, sudden pain phantasmal as it echoed through his chest. Small mercies he was so high on adrenaline he couldn't recall what it exactly felt like. He imagined it wasn't pleasant.

The Unknown God's final words came back to him, though.

''Know, that it was Asmoday who struck you down.''

''Asmoday...'' He repeated the name – her name.

Aether frowned, turning his eyes onto the windows – spying Dragonspine far in the distance, the light of a lamp outside making it hard to see, but he knew it was out there. Their battle replayed through his mind and he clenched his fists, bitterness warring with a more primal satisfaction; vividly recalling the blows he had landed upon her. Maybe she'd already healed from them now, but it felt good to get some very physical payback after what she did.

He sat there pondering it for only a few moments more before he heard motion under his feet – muffled voices and laughter coming from what he realised was the floor underneath. Now that he looked at the room with more attention he noted the familiar Mondstadt designs, be it in the architecture or the Knights of Favonius symbol on the door. It settled his worried heart somewhat, assured he hadn't been captured by bandits or something, but he still rose from his spot on the bed.

Only to clutch at his chest again, hissing. The tightness inside made him take a deep breath but that just made it worse, his hand clutching at the nearby bedside table to steady himself. The air felt too stale and he stumbled over to the window, nearly putting his fist through it had he not caught into the stone edge instead; a firm push opening the glass sideways.

A cold wind blew in not a second later, soothing both his tight chest and cooling him down somewhat – a sigh fleeing his lips unconsciously. Leaning on the sill he just gazed out at the the vast landscape of Mondstadt; the hills unlit outside of one or two patches where distant campfires glowed amidst the dark.

'How long was I out?' Aether wondered as he craned his neck out the window and spotted the moon. 'Must be about... nine o'clock, maybe? Ten? So I've been out for half a day?'

Assuming he hadn't been so knocked out of it he slept right through to the next day. Which, considering how stiff his body felt, wasn't unlikely he grimly realised.

Aether bit his lip, his hand coming to touch at his chest. 'Asmoday... that's what she called herself, wasn't it? I've not heard that name before...'

Had it been scrubbed from history, much like some of Teyvat's long history? Or had it never been spoken to another soul not within the Celestia? And if so, why did she bother telling him?

Was it a mark of respect... or perhaps, was she trying to influence him into doing something with that knowledge?

He didn't get to ruminate on that knowledge for long though as the door to his room clicked, swinging inwards – and allowing the familiar form of Noelle to step inside.

The maid knight froze the second she saw him, eyes wide as if she'd seen a ghost. The tray she held in her hands wobbled and it was perhaps only her countless hours of training that prevented her from dropping it, her thumbs pressing the metal in and shaking the glass of water atop it.

''A... Aether?'' Her voice sounded so painfully fragile.

''Hey Noelle.'' He smiled tightly. ''What's with that look- nng?!''

The tray did finally clatter to the floor, water spilled across the hardwood as her arms came to ensnare him; burying her face in his shoulder. Despite her famed strength she was notably gentle in her hold, her arms not crushing him in but simply embracing him – like if she squeezed too hard he'd shatter into a million pieces. Though the concern was welcome how sudden it was was not, his brow furrowed even as he held onto the maid.

It was only when he felt her hiccup that he realised perhaps maybe something else had happened while he was out, prompting him to caress the back of her head – soft, flowing assurances tickling her ear as he embraced her in return. She sniffled and hid her face from him, nose brushing along his neck and gauntlet-clad fingers gently running along his bare back. They were cold to the touch but he endured the discomfort for her, just basking in the warmth of a dear friend.

''What's wrong?'' Aether breathed after a long moment.

Noelle tried to speak but all that came out was an exhale, her words lost to the quiver in her throat. Despite that when she gently let go of him he couldn't see any tears in her eyes – they looked a bit red but she composed herself admirably, a few quick blinks and deep breaths granting her some measure of stability.

''Nothing I'm just, happy.'' Noelle said with a shaky smile. ''You were so badly injured that we thought...''

Aether's brow furrowed – when he recalled the attack. ''Ah... how bad was it?''

Noelle didn't meet his eyes, her lips parting only to purse. The worry that strickened her visage spoke volumes on its own.

''That bad huh?'' Aether softly murmured, an awkward smile crossing his lips. ''Story for worrying you, Noelle. I probably caused a big hassle huh?''

''...I'm just happy you're okay.'' The maid-knight took her right hand in both of hers. ''I... I had feared I- we might lose you. Barbara has been attending to you since she found you.''

Aether winced. ''She hasn't overworked herself has she?''

''A bit.'' Noelle admitted freely. ''You can tell she's exhausted, but I suppose her effort wasn't in vain, given you can stand. Do you feel okay?''

''A bit of soreness, but otherwise mostly fine.'' He drew a slow, careful breath. The ache in his chest hadn't left but given he just had a sword through his chest, he imagined that was just his body adjusting to Barbara's healing or something like that. ''I'm sorry for worrying you so much.''

Noelle didn't say anything to that, just a shy smile gifted to him as she ran her thumbs over his knuckles. He let her, enjoying the gentle act for the few moments more it lasted, his arm soon falling back to his side. Which was when the inevitable question arose.

''Who did this to you...?''

The fact it wasn't 'what happened' but rather 'who did it' piqued his interest, though any intrigue was smothered by the discomfort that overcame him. Did he tell her, considering the reasons behind why he even faced the Unknown God in the first place? From what it seemed it looks like he'd caused a great deal of trouble not just for Noelle but likely his other friends in Mondstadt too – all because he had a temper tantrum and angered Celestia. He was lucky Celestia didn't finish him off altogether.

She wouldn't laugh at him for feeling the way he did, he was sure – Noelle was too kind for that. If anything though that just made it harder to admit; that the reason he'd lied in his letters and said he was on a quest in Liyue was all just so he could sneak up to the highest point in Mondstadt and vent. Recalling the feelings he couldn't even generate the anger he felt back then, as if his battle with Asmoday had robbed him of his righteous anger and left him a hollow shell.

'' don't have to tell me if you don't want to.'' Though her words didn't surprise him he still lifted his head, meeting her eyes. ''I... I'm worried, but I trust you know what you're doing.''

''Noelle...'' His heart ached. What did he do to deserve such a trusting companion?

The maid-knight smiled shyly at him and bit her lip, fidgeting. ''Um... I-I know this might be a bit sudden, Aether, but I've been meaning to tell you something for a while...''

''Hm? Like...?''

Noelle pursed her lips, then drew a breath. ''I lo-''

She cut herself off though as conversation further down the corridor reached their ears, their voices intimately familiar. Amber and Barbara.

''Noelle? Are you still up here?''

''Y-Yes!'' The maid called out, her cheeks tinting pink as she shot him a look of simultaneous relief and regret. ''I-I'll tell you later.''

''Sure.'' Aether murmured an agreement, still confused.

His voice though carried; two pairs of footfalls pausing, then hurrying – and then Amber showed up in the doorway, Barbara just a step behind.


Amber was not as gentle as Noelle but he wasn't so weak he'd get the life squeezed out of him; the discomfort endured as Barbara glomped onto him too, holding on for dear life. He returned the hug with one arm each, chuckling sheepishly as they said nothing and just... held him. He let them sort their thoughts out though, opting to gently tuck his head against each of them in turn, letting him know he appreciated their kindness.

Alas neither were as composed as Noelle were and refused to let go so easily, making him sigh wryly, sending a smile at Noelle – one she returned with a shy one of her own.

''Aether, you're okay.'' It was Amber who finally croaked out an actual sentence, her grip on him loosening so she could look him in the eyes, such relief within her own that he felt his heart melt a bit. ''We were so worried... are you feeling alright? Light-headed? You're-''

''I'm fine.'' Aether soothed, ignoring the slight light-headedness that tilted his vision. No need to worry them.

Noelle though seemed to sense his woes all the same. ''Perhaps we should let him sit down.''

Aether made to reply but in a heartbeat found himself ushered to his bed and all but planted down on the edge, both girls on either side of him and checking for any open wounds like a pair of mother hens. He sighed exasperatedly but let them, if only to help soothe their worries – their pawing hands gradually slowing as they found nothing. Though he couldn't help but notice how their eyes were drawn to his chest. Or more specifically, his new scars.

''...I'm sorry I wasn't able to heal them.'' To his surprise Barbara apologised, her voice soft but regretful. ''Healing you was difficult enough as it was, I didn't have the ability spare to-''

''It's alright.'' His arm wrapped around the short healer, bringing a light blush to her cheeks. ''Thanks, all of you. I wouldn't be here without you.''

Noelle smiled demurely and bowed, the act distracting him from how red both Barbara and Amber's faces were. ''It was no trouble at all. If anything Albedo deserves your thanks the most; if it wasn't for him that strange sword would still be impaled into you.''

''Strange sword? Ah...'' The blade flashed through his mind and he felt a phantom pang in his chest.

Alas, Amber's keen eyes served her well. ''Aether? Are you alright?''

''Yeah, it's nothing.'' The blond soothed and rubbed her back. She squirmed bashfully at the gesture but smiled a bit all the same, torn between fretting and giggling – worry and relief warring with one another, the latter steadily winning. ''I'll be sure to thank Albedo too tomorrow. How long was I out?''

''About a day and a half.'' Barbara answered quietly.

''Ouch.'' He had to wince. ''Guess I missed my daily commissions then huh?''

The little joke lightened the mood a little at least, conversation easing off of the heavier topics as they caught him up on what happened – or were about to, when a familiar voice pierced the air.


''Pai- mmph?!''

Like a miniature, if slow-moving missile Paimon fly down the corridor and tackled his face, wailing and hugging him for dear life, leading Aether to scramble to get her off – his muffled yelps only drawing laughs from his three companions, their smiles fond and, had he been able to see it, abundant in affection.

For their honorary knight was safe and sound.

And they dared not ask for anything more.


With how fatigued he still was, sleep came easily to Aether.

Morning likewise came with equal haste, his sleep a dreamless one even with Paimon tossing and turning about on his chest, her sleepy noises failing to wake him up even once throughout the night.

The sun shone brightly over Mondstadt today, illuminating a great many miles of verdant hills and grey cliff faces, the keen eye perhaps able to spot a Hilichurl or two scavenging for food this early in the day. Or maybe not; he didn't have the eyes of an archer and couldn't tell a boar from a Ruin Guard at this distance, so what did he know.

Smirking wryly at the thought Aether eased himself to his feet, the action more troublesome than he would like, but he was hardly crippled. Though his limbs still felt stiff he was able-bodied and, despite what Barbara had insisted, he wouldn't be staying in bed for the next week. She had healed his wounds both external and internal, leaving just some lingering pains as his muscles and nerves adjusted to the phantom pain.

Grabbing his freshly-repaired shirt – courtesy of Noelle herself – Aether slipped it on and equipped his cape last, checking himself out in the small mirror in the room to confirm he looked decent.

With his shirt on you couldn't see the scar in the middle of his chest, only the very edge if you were to look from below, though the two gashes down his sides were a little visible. He wasn't too self-conscious of them though; being an adventurer meant getting injured, and he'd seen his fair share of adventurers with scars of all kinds, be they across the eye, down the torso or along the arms like Razor. It was just a fact of life, and so he didn't let it bother him.

Paimon flew around his head then, tiny hands coming to rest on her hips. ''So, Mr. I'm-Too-Fit-To-Stay-In-Bed! What's the plan today?''

''Hm... not sure. I wanna say a commission or two, but...''

''NO! Absolutely not!'' Paimon crossed her arms immediately, frowning adorably at him. ''You're still injured in Paimon's book!''

''Barbara healed me Paimon, I'm fine.''


''You can't just say 'nuh-uh'.''

''I just did.''

''You-'' Aether face-palmed, sighing. ''Paimon, I'm fine.''

''...but what if you're not?''

The quake to her voice made him pause, his hand falling and letting him see the worry in Paimon's eyes – honest, unsure worry like a child unsure whether their parent would ever come back. Which, he supposed, wasn't an unfair comparison. He was was the closest thing she had to family in this world; the idea that he might run off into danger again so soon after nearly losing him... yeah, he could understand her worry.

Reaching out he took Paimon in his hands and brought her in close, his forehead coming to rest against hers. She felt so small compared to him then, more so than usual anyway. ''I'll be okay Paimon.''

''Mynn~'' Her concerned whimper said all that needed to be.

Petting her one last time he stepped back, making his decision clear, and so with a growl-come-whine the fairy crossed her arms. ''Fine! But Paimon is taxing you twice as many Sticky Honey Roasts!''

''Deal.'' Aether smiled.

Paimon floated closer and Aether didn't mind, letting her sit on his shoulders. It was a bit awkward due to her size but she was as light as a feather so he didn't mind; if it kept her calm he'd deal with it. Popping open his room door he glanced about before making his sneaky exit, managing to get as far down as the ground floor before being spotted by Noelle who, like many days before, was busy sweeping the floors.

Her face lit up upon seeing him. ''Aether, are you planning on heading out?''

''Yeah, just some commissions.'' He waved off. ''Can't stay out of action for too long, haha.''

''B-Be that as it may, maybe you should. For another day at least.'' Noelle hesitantly offered.

Aether sighed but smiled awkwardly all the same. ''Paimon suggested the same thing. I'll be fine though, really I will. Some Hilichurls won't be much trouble I'm sure – assuming I'll find any to begin with.''

''Still, allow me to come along with you.'' Noelle insisted, her broom abandoned to the wall and hands folding in front of her. ''If nothing else, I am sure the others would be put at ease.''

He debated it for a moment, but he supposed it wouldn't hurt. Noelle was far more capable a knight than many realised – heck, the fact she had a Vision should be proof enough of that. ''If you're not too busy, then sure. I'd be nice to fight with you again.''

''Likewise.'' Though her tone was formal her eyes brightened.

Returning her smile he beckoned her to follow, the pair of them departing the Knights HQ without anyone noticing.

Sneaking down to the adventurer's guild to ask about commissions was a task in and of itself, especially since many citizens had apparently either seen or heard that he was injured and wanted to know about what happened and what not.

Mercifully Noelle's presence came in handy and she used what little authority she had to insist they were in a hurry – the excuse different for each person but ultimately getting them to Katheryne who greeted him with only a passing comment about his injury before handing over the details of a job – eliminating Hilichurls. Truly a rarity in Mondstadt, he could only muse with a wry sigh, but he supposed if there was any way to warm-up it was fending off such monsters.

One thing he did know though was that it felt good to be out of Mondstadt. He wasn't sure why but the city felt stuffy all of a sudden, the tightness in his chest lingering and easing only when he left the city's walls, though even then the feeling didn't dissipate altogether. He drew a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, though he noted the air wasn't as rich in Anemo as days past. Perhaps something to do with Venti or Dvalin? Had his defeat caused a disruption in the air – or perhaps was it just a weather thing, like how pollen levels varied depending on where the wind took them?

Ultimately Aether shrugged off such thoughts, summoning Cold Steel to his hands. Hardly a fantastic weapon in his eyes, but their opponents would be just a group of Hilichurls with a single Mitachurl – he didn't need anything better. Besides his two best weapons were still broken; he wasn't even sure if they could be reforged, though he'd need to look into that as soon as possible.

Who though could reforge such godly weapons, and then strengthen them enough to challenge the divine itself?

He didn't know, and so with a sigh pushed it from his mind. Hilichurls first, weaponry second.

Unaware of eyes watching him from atop Mondstadt's wall.


Struck Down - Chapter 3 - GrandLeviathan - 原神 (2024)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.